
"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

God is generous and calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows the world our hearts and helps proclaim the gospel.
 We want to glorify God with every area of our lives -
and that includes what we do with our finances.

How do we give?

Whether you prefer the "old school" way of giving or are more technically savvy, we have multiple ways to give, which we've explained below.

Easy Ways To Give

Give online.

It's simple to give right here online  by clicking the red button above.  Set up a recurring payment at your  preferred frequency or a one-time donation. Follow the prompts to create a new log-in or log in to your existing account.

Give via our Saint Luke UMC app.

We encourage you to download the Saint Luke UMC app on your phone for an even more convenient way to give your tithes and offerings (or to pay for an event, book, special offerings, etc.).

Give via text.

Simply text  "stluke" to: 1-888-364-4485 [GIVE].

Give in person.

We pass the offering plate during our worship services to provide a convenient way for folks to give while at church. And you can always drop off a check in the church office.

Mail a check.

 If you prefer paying with a check through the mail, that's fine, too.  Simply send it to Saint Luke UMC | 2916 Wicker St. | Sanford, NC 27330.