ALL men at Saint Luke are United Methodist Men (UMM)! The group, funded by voluntary dues, meets on the first Mondays, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (September-May), in the Moffit-Hoyle-Jones Sunday School Class upstairs in Rooms #222/224. The men enjoy a homemade meal, a short program, and great fellowship.
Saint Luke UMC also provides many opportunities for the men of the church to serve with special projects for the church and community, as well as to participate in Bible studies and Sunday School classes. Serving and learning together is a beautiful way to grow together in Christ.
We'd love for you to join us - and invite a friend!
Saint Luke UMC also provides many opportunities for the men of the church to serve with special projects for the church and community, as well as to participate in Bible studies and Sunday School classes. Serving and learning together is a beautiful way to grow together in Christ.
We'd love for you to join us - and invite a friend!